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Since you landed on this page, it means you have something in your mind that you might wanna share with us.
Hmm, let us think about this!
Well, we believe that you can contribute to this platform in 2 ways:-
Aa a Reader:
As a reader, you can contribute to our articles & posts by commenting on them, suggesting your ideas, notifying any corrections that you see, or asking for help related to the article’s content.
If you like any article or post from our platform, you can share it among your friends, social media, and with your colleagues as well. This will really help us grow fast! :) -
As an Author:
If you think you can write tech articles, want to share your knowledge with our other readers, then you will be happy to know that we are open to welcoming you to our platform.
Here are a few benefits of writing on our platform:
- Your work, your credibility. Publish by your own name. No conditions.
- Showcase your knowledge to help others.
- Learn more by sharing more.
- Get more audience to explore you and your work.
- Get featured author profile on our platform (see our awesome authors)
- Write at your own pace and your own topics.
(However, to maintain the quality of the platform, the final publishing decisions for each post will be taken by Admin only.)
💡 Do you think you can contribute in any other ways?
That’s so nice of you but Sorry, We don’t know how would that be possible. Maybe you should try to contact us.
Best Regards,